
Kondopoga moderne a ete cree comme le petite village avec ce nom en 1563. c’est le 1-ere fois, quand cette village a ete mentionnee.

En 1757 non loin de Kondopoga on ha trouvee le marbre. On l’outilisee pour la construction des palais en St-Peterbourgue.

Pendente la 1-ere Guerre mondiale dans la region de Kond. la gestion principale d'artillerie du ministere Militaire de la Russie commencait la preparation de la construction de l'usine de l'acide nitrique, necessaire a la production de la poudre. Puisque la production de l'acide nitrique demandait une grande depense de l'energie electrique, se commencait la construction de la centrale hydraulique pres de Kond. La capacite de la CENTRALE HYDRO-ELECTRIQUE faisait 30 mille de kw, et elle devait devenir la plus grande en Russie. Pendant les revolutions et la guerre civile tout l'equipement du chantier etait emporte, les travaux sont cesses

TLes travaux etaient deja continues en Russie Sovietique selon le plan ГОЭЛРО (1920), qui comprenait la construction CENTRALE HYDRO-ELECTRIQUE de Kondopoga. Le projet tournait vers la station electrique de l'eau de la riviere Suna dans le systeme des lacs.

Le 19 juillet 1923 l’administration de Carelie a ratifie la formation de l'organisation de construction selon la construction Kondopoga la CENTRALE HYDRO-ELECTRIQUE et la manufacture de papier.

Des 1927 le village de Kondopoga est devenu le chef - lieu de district, qui en 1938 etait transforme en ville, la population de qui faisait pres de 14 mille personne.

Pendente la 2-eme guerre mondiale Kondopoga. etait occupee par les troupes finlandaises et est presque entierement detruite. On detruisait les etablissements industriels, les maisons d'habitation et les institutions culturelles. A l'apres-guerre tout cela etait bati de nouveau.

En 1957 Kond. etait annoncee par le chantier de toute l'Union de choc du Komsomol.Pendentes les anees suivents dans le ville a ete batient les nouveaux usines

Aujourd'hui Kondopoga est un des plus grands centres industriels de la Carelie. Les industries de base de l'industrie dans la ville sont : du papier, du bois, et des matieres pour la construction.,

Kond. – c’est le centre administratif de la region. La population de la region - 50 mille personne, la ville elle-meme - 38 mille personne. Sur le territoire de la region il y a 75 localites.

Kondopoga. Region

Le region de Kondopoga (la territoire est 5.9 mille km carres, la population - 47,8 mille personne) et emprunte la partie centrale de la Carelie sud, se trouve a cote du nord - l'ouest la partie du lac Onega. Le bord du lac dans cette partie a le relief tres original, mais le lac lui-meme formera ici trois grands golfes pittoresques: Kondopogiene. Ligemie et Unickii.
Ce sont des belles places pour les yachts, les bateaux, pour pecher en 'ete et en hiver. Beaucoup de divers lacs et les rivieres et dans la partie continentale de la region. Du nord-ouest pour le sud-est le territoire de la region est croise par une grande riviere Suna, qui appelaient autrefois par "la mere des chutes d'eau de Carelie". Il y avait 3 chutes d'eau : des Por Porogue - la hauteur - 16,8 м, Givars (14,8 м) et Kivach (10,7 м). Deux premiere chute d'eau maintenant on peut observer dans "le modele sec", et Kivach a maintenant seulement la moitie de la force qui l’ avais. Neanmoins il et attire maintenant a lui-meme mille touristes, qui font connaissance simultanement et avec la nature de la reserve naturelle disposee autour de la chute d'eau. La reserve naturelle s'occupe activement de l'instruction ecologique, selon lui sont pratiques les itineraires ecologiques touristiques. Dans la reserve naturelle on peut faire connaissance avec les exemplaires "elitaires" du bouleau de Carelie, visiter le musee de la nature.

Parmi d'autres objets naturels interessants pour les touristes, on peut remarquer la reserve naturelle du bouleau de Carelie vers le sud du lac de Munozero, le canyon de la riviere Sune avec les traces de l'activite volcanique et les autres. Ces objets sont proposes deja pour la visite par les touristes.

Dans la region il y a 93 monuments de l'histoiriques et culturelles, parmis les quelles 30 - les architectures, 24 - les histoires, 39 - l'archeologie. Trois monuments: l'eglise Uspenya (1774) a Kondopoga, la chapelle de l'Ascention a petite village Kolgostrov (XVII s.), l'eglise de Pierre et Pavel a petite village l'ile Lishnii (XVIII s.) ont la situation de toute la Russie. Ils sont les chef-d'oeuvres de l'architecture du nord en bois.

Un grand interet est presente aussi les monuments de la culture industrielle : l'usine des temps Pierre le Grand Konchezerskii et de marbre industri « la montagne Blanche», livrant les blocs de marbre des divers coloris pour la construction de St-Petersbourg.

Sur le territoire de la region fonctionne la premiere station balneaire l'eau Morsiale, formee selon le decret de Pierre le Grand en 1719. L'eau minerale des sources locales se distingue par une haute concentration actif (bivalent) la glande. Le facteur medical de la station balneaire sont les saletes curatives dispose non loin des sources du lac Gabozero.


Russian Onezhskoye, or Onezhskoe, Ozero, second largest lake in Europe, situated in the northwest part of the European portion of Russia, between LakeLadoga and the White Sea. It covers an area of 3,753 square miles (9,720 square km). It is 154 miles (248 km) long; its greatest width is 50 miles (80 km); and its greatest depth is about 380 feet (116 m).

The hollow of the lake was formed by movements of the Earth's crust, but Quaternary glaciers (the Quaternary Period is from 1.6 million years ago to the present) elongated it from northwest to southeast. The shores to the north and northwest are high and rocky,built of layered granite and covered with forest. There are deep bays at Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, and Povenots. The southern shores are narrow, sandy, and often marshy or flooded. Onega has about 1,650 islands covering a total of approximately 100 square miles (260 square km), mostly in the northern and northwestern bays.

Fifty rivers enter Onega, the largest being the Shuya and Suna in the northwest and the Vodla in the east. In the southeast and east are the Andoma, Vytegra, and Megra rivers. Lake Onega itself empties into the Svir River. The water level reaches its highest point in the summer and its lowest in March–April, varying about 24 inches (60 cm) annually. The water circulates in a twisting pattern within the lake because of differences of temperature between the coastal and the open regions. During autumn gales, waves sometimes reach 14or 15 feet (about 4.5 m).

The region has a cold climate. The coastal parts of the lake and the small bays begin to freeze at the end of November, and the deeper central parts in the middle of January, although in some years the central parts do not freeze. Thawing begins at the end of April.

The colour of Onega's water is dark yellowish brown in the open part and grayish brown along the shores. The lake contains more than 40 species of fish, including ryapushka (a small member of the salmon family), smelt, burbot (a freshwater variant of the cod), bream, pike, perch, roach, and salmon. The fish are of considerable economic value.

Lake Onega is connected with the Baltic and White seas by the White Sea–Baltic Canal and with the basin of the Volga River by the Volga-Baltic Waterway, which enable it to play an important part in both internal and international transportation. Goods are shipped over this route from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany to points in the east and north. For protection against storms, a bypass canal has been dug along the south and southeastern shores from the mouth of the Vytegra River to the source of the Svir. The cities of Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, and Medvezhyegorsk are on Lake Onega.The island of Kizhi houses the internationally known architectural organization of that name.

République de Carélie

République de Carélie is located in the North-West of Russia, it is included in the Northern economic region of Russian Federation.

The area of Karelia is - 180,5 thousand square km (1,06% of the total territory of Russia). Its length from north to south is 660 km, from west to east on the latitude of the town Kem is 424 km. Karelia borders on Finland in the West, on Leningrad district in the South, on Murmansk and Archangelsk district in the East. In the North-West the Republic is washed by the White sea. The northern border line of Karelia coincides with the state border RF and its length is 723 km.

According to All-Russian population census of 2002 population of the Republic of Karelia makes 716 thousand people. Urban population makes 75% (537 thousand people), rural - 25% (179 thousand people), 37% of the population lives in the capital of the Republic the city of Petrozavodsk. Population density of the republic makes 4 persons per square kilometer.

Middle age of the population of the republic on the data of All-Russian population census of 2002 makes 37.1 years. The population of able-bodied age makes 450 thousand people, and 137 thousand people are older.

National structure of the population: Russians - 73.6%, Karelians - 10%, Byelorussians - 7%, Ukrainians - 3.6%, Finns - 2.3%, Vepps - 0.8%.

The republic consists of 19 municipal districts, 808 settlements. Each municipal formation is headed by the person elected according to the Law of Republic Karelia About elections of deputies of representative bodies and heads of local self-governments.

In Karelia there are 3 cities of republican significance, (Petrozavodsk-282,9 thousand, Kostomuksha- 32,5 thousand, Sortavala-20,2 thousand), 4 towns and districts of republican significance (Kem and Kemsky district, Kondopoga and Kondopozhsky district, Pitkyaranta and Pitkyarantsky district, Segezha and Segezhsky district), 11 districts including Kalevalsky national one), 1 volost (Vepska national volost) with the status of administrative and territorial unit, 11 settlements of town type.

The largest part of the territory of Karelia is a hilly plain with evident traces of glacier. The wavy surface of the land keeps the traces of ancient mountains. Karelia is often called "stony lake-forest land", highlighting the leading elements of landscape, beautiful combinations, created by countless lakes and rivers and the land in-between, covered with forest.

More than 49% of the republic area is covered with forest (main species are pine and fur tree), 25% of the territory is watery surface. There are more than 60 thousand lakes and 27 thousand rivers in Karelia. The largest are the Ladoga lake (area is 17,7 thousand square km) and the Onega lake (area is 9,9 thousand square km). The largest rivers are: Vodla (400 km), Vyg, Kovda, Kem, Suna, Shuya. The total length of the river net is about 83 thousand km.

More than 50 types of minerals, located in more than 400 deposits were discovered in Karelia. The minerals are: iron ore, vanadium, molibden, rare metals, diamonds, mica, construction materials (granite, marble, diabasis), clay, appatit-carbonate ore, asbest.

The Republic of Karelia has favorable economic-geographic location, it is situated near central highly industrially developed Russian and Western regions, has a developed water transportation system, and significant natural resources.

The place of Karelia in industrial Russian complex is determined in the first place by the branches of industry, using local natural resources (forest, wood-processing, pulp and paper, ferrous metallurgy, construction materials industry), and also by the industry branches using imported raw materials (machinery making and non-ferrous metallurgy).

The republic makes 10% of the total amount of iron ore got in RF, 23% of total amount of paper produced in RF, 9% - of pulp, 7,3% - of industrial wood, 4% of sawlog, about 60% of paper bags.